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Become a member -

ACOMI Membership/Volunteer Opportunities and Benefits

Are you passionate about empowering newcomers, seniors, youth, and families from the black and African communities? Do you want to be a part of the largest network of black-led organizations in the Province of Manitoba? Look no further than volunteering or registering your organization as a member of the African Communities of Manitoba Inc. (ACOMI)!

ACOMI is the umbrella organization of people of African descent in Manitoba and is dedicated to creating culturally appropriate programming that uplifts and supports members of our community, regardless of age or background. By becoming a member, you will have the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from these programs, creating a positive impact in our community.

ACOMI also serves as the cultural hub for the preservation and promotion of black culture and African heritage and by becoming a member, you will have the opportunity to participate in cultural events and activities, go on excursions and field trips, connect with fellow members of the community, and celebrate the rich diversity of our shared cultural heritage.

As a member of ACOMI, you will equally have access to a wide range of benefits, including capacity building and leadership training, joint events and collaboration, funding application support, mailbox services, and discounted rates for our Cultural Centre hall and van rentals. Whether you are planning an event, holding a group meeting, or simply looking to connect with other members of the community, as a member, we will help you mobilize, publicize and promote your events through our large community connections. Additionally, we offer scholarships and volunteer opportunities for our community members.

Become a member of ACOMI today and be a part of a community dedicated to creating positive change in our community.

To volunteer or register your organization email or fill out the registration form through this link: