Career Opportunities

Become a Volunteer -

ACOMI Volunteer Roles and Opportunities

ACOMI runs several community projects such as the Africa Pavilion, employment training for women, scholarships & bursaries, and tax preparation services, newcomers transition programs as well as seniors and youth programs. 

Volunteers play a crucial role in this mission, and there are always opportunities to make a meaningful impact. 

Available Volunteer Roles include but not limited to the following:

  • Administrative Support/Assistant – Assist with administrative tasks and support the daily operations of ACOMI.
  • Communications and Webmaster – Manage and maintain ACOMI’s website and create content on our social media platforms.
  • Photographer Capture moments at events and help document ACOMI’s activities.
  • Tour guide– Accompany children, youth, seniors and newcomers to excursions, field trips and tours
  • Trainers and resource persons: Facilitate workshops and training on different issues and topics, such as digital literacy and coding, financial literacy, Entrepreneurship, mental health, anti-racism etc. 
  • Events logistics volunteer: help with event set up, ushering and registration support.
  • Artist, performers, poets, storytellers and cultural troupes: to perform at cultural event.

To apply for any of the above positions or to offer help as a volunteer, you can contact: or use the below button