Association of Manitoba Inc.

Non profitable organization. Our association is a multi-purpose, non-profit, non-government organization with a Head Office in Winnipeg Manitoba. There are three executive directors, including myself and also Shadia Abdelgalil, and Mohamed Hassan, who are responsible for the work of the association.
Our organization was established in 2006 during the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. All of our members are Darfur genocide survivors, so we formed the association to promote the cultural and social heritage of the Sudanese people in Manitoba, to work for unity and the social well-being of the Sudanese people in Manitoba, to encourage the intellectual and economic development of its members and to cooperate with other organizations in helping our members and others.
Our principal mission for the past 16 years has been to rescue Darfur genocide survivors. Our Association has sponsored over 150 refugees to date. These refugees are all Darfur genocide survivors who fled the country and are living in detention or refugee camps in various countries
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