Ethiopian Society of Winnipeg Inc. (ESW)

The Ethiopian Society of Winnipeg was established by a group of concerned Ethiopian residents in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1984 to create the means or the venue to address the cultural, emotional and economic needs of Ethiopians fostering the retention and development of Ethiopian cultural heritage in Canada. The Ethiopian Society of Winnipeg is a community-based non-profit agency providing information, referral and advocacy. It assists Newcomer Ethiopians with immediate needs for settling in Winnipeg or with ongoing integration into Canadian society. It provides cultural and educational activities for members of the community. Our purpose is not only to assist and educate the Ethiopian community but also to provide them with a sense of unity, belongingness, inclusiveness, and well-being, and by doing so we help them avoid isolation, negative influences such as drugs, alcohol, and gang-related issues. It also advocates, and lobby on their behalf so that their problems are understood and actions are taken to address these by the policy makers. As a result of its constant and unconditional effort, hopes to empower new Canadians in the province with knowledge and tools that enable them to bridge the social and cultural gaps they face, and access the social and legal rights to which they are entitled.
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