Sierra Leone Nationals Association of Manitoba (SALNAM)

We help newcomers to locate services in the province of Manitoba, such as language classes, employment services, help filling out forms and applications, and information about community services.
We provide training to understand the value of diversity and inclusion.
We advise our community members to be aware of some of the barriers that challenge inclusion through examples.
SALNAM offers services and programs for Sierra Leoneans that are already here and newcomers.
Developed projects to empower the ethno-cultural communities by providing them with information on services available in the community and how to access them. At the same time SALNAM provides education and cultural sensitivity training to Sierra Leonean children born in Canada.
We also refer newcomers having family crises to our community’s settlement counselors (Palaver Hut). As an immigrant-serving organization, we work with family therapists to develop a multiple partnership model for the delivery of culturally appropriate family counselling services
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